Joint press release following the video recorded incident in Bisazza Street, Sliema
We are very disappointed to hear that no police action has been duly taken against the visible and identifiable aggressor that intentionally went in a rage to attack his partner at her place of work.
May we reiterate that domestic violence, including intimate partner violence, is a criminal offence that need not rely on the complaint of the injured party. When brought to the attention, authorities have the obligation to exercise due diligence, investigate and take the necessary criminal action. No complaint from the injured party is required in such cases.
Time and time again we hear of women complaining about how the police have refused to take their report, failed to investigate and/or never issued charges pertaining to their case. Given the lack of action in this case, when there is clear evidence of domestic violence, confirms further their stories.
Domestic violence is not a private matter, but it is a matter of public concern and an offence against each and every one of us. Shrugging off the matter by simply claiming that no one came forward or was reluctant to speak, does not suffice. Malta is bound by legal standards and is responsible for its failure to protect.
We call on the authorities to investigate and take action with immediate effect, failure of which, we call on government to investigate and publicly explain why the respective authorities have failed to take such action.
Issued by Association for Equality, Dar Merhba Bik Foundation, Fondazzjoni Sebh, Malta Confederation of Women Organisations, Malta Association of Women in Business, Men Against Violence, St. Jeanne Antide Foundation, Women’s Rights Foundation.